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Lawyers should not ask clients to publish testimonials because clients may feel that they should disclose our confidential relations and violate your right to expect that we will keep your secret. So, when you know that we are fine if you never post a review, and we will never disclose your privacy or even the fact that you were a client, and yet you are still prone to publishing, that’s great. You can also send it anonymously or with initials.
Overall Rating
- Book an appointment12 products
- Legal books and second-hand law textbooks6 products
Highly recommended!
Alla, the lawyer, was accommodating with my questions. That is to say, I had concerns about the 28-day rule and a few others. However, Alla was very professional and has alleviated my concerns going forward. So, I feel very confident now with the spousal visa application. I will be submitting. Thank you, Alla! Highly recommended!!
Great Textbook
This textbook has just been delivered. Just by the first look at it, I can see it’s clearly written and easy to follow. Good size, although a lot of content. Lots of statute and case comparisons. It seems I’ll get on well with it; if not, I’ll post an update.
Excelent condition
Excellent condition and delivery time are OK. Although the product bought was supposed to be second hand, it looks new. I’m delighted with the purchase.
Making criminal law logical
I provided my undergraduate law students with references to three established texts on each topic in Criminal Law, and the vast majority told me that Smith and Hogan on Criminal Law by David Ormerod was their preferred text.
It clearly presents what the law is, where it has come from, how leading legal minds criticise it, and how it might be better developed. The book guides the reader logically through the elements of offences and defences, allowing the novice to navigate its content with ease while developing a critical mindset.
What places it ahead of other comparable texts is that this logical construction does not signify a sacrifice in the depth of content. The book is renowned as the authority on criminal law for practitioners and students alike. It rightly retains this status through continuing to provide a solid basis in criminal law for the new student and a reliable and easily navigated reference base for the post-grad or seasoned practitioner.
Big thank you!
Хочу выразить огромную благодарность Law Park за профессионализм и помощь в получении моих документов! Роман
High quality service
Хотим выразить свою благодарность и сказать Спасибо юристу Aллe. Отличная профессиональная работа – от первого нашего звонка и до положительного завершения дела. Спасибо за ваш профессионализм, будем с удовольствием рекомендовать и обращаться впредь. Удачи!
The best service in the Uk
We had slim chances of getting a visa, however, it all worked out! Thank you, Alla, for your attention to details and great job overall.
It got me through my Jurisprudence module. Of course, I can find most of the material here online nowadays, but it’s convenient to have it all together when you need it, and the commentary is instrumental. I’ll be keeping mine for reference!
Balance of quality&price
Balance of quality&price – that’s how I’d described the service provided by Lawpark. Professional, quick response, flexibility, attention to details. Thank you very much indeed for your help. Best wishes to you.
Highly recommend
Рекомендую !!! Индивидуальний подход. Всегда на связи, что было для меня очень важно. Цена за услуги очень привлекательна. Робота сделана в оговоренные сроки. Продолжаем сотрудничать…..
This book is great
This book is great. I still keep it on my desk and recommend it to all students.
Thank you!
Спасибо за проделанную Вами работу. Документы подготовлены профессионально. Дополнительных вопросов по открытию визы не возникло. СПАСИБО.
I’m very glad
Очень рада, что нашла такого грамотного и ответственного специалиста в своей сфере дела. Всё сделанно очень четко и быстро. Не прошло и 3 месяца, как я получила свою резидент карту. Выражаю огромную благодарность этому человеку. Рекомендую всем!
Amazing service
The services provided have been amazing. Our adviser has been so efficient and so helpful throughout the whole process to both me and my mum. The pricing is very reasonable for everything you receive. Would definitely recommend.
Prompt service
Приятно работать с такими специалистами. Быстрый сервис, разумная цена, всегда отвечают на звонки
Good Service
Хотелось бы выразить благодарность за проделанную работу, а так же отметить высокий профессионализм и умение работать с клиентом. Мне был предоставлен список, по которому я должна была собрать необходимые документы. Вся остальная работа была сделана консультантом за очень короткий срок. Через четыре месяца я получила свой статус постоянного резидента, моя дочь через месяц. Спасибо огромное!
Very Professional
Very professional adviser in immigration affairs. Individual approach and full assistance with filing the necessary documents and forms. Very good service. I highly recommend their services to everyone.