UK Expansion Worker visa

UK Expansion Worker route – from a Sponsorship licence to Application for a visa

Welcome to our UK Expansion Worker Visa Service!

Are you looking to establish a branch of your overseas business in the UK? Our service provides a smooth and comprehensive process to help you bring your business to the United Kingdom. With this visa, you can set up a branch of your business that has not yet started trading in the UK while also having the opportunity to bring your partner and children to stay with you.

The process involves two key steps:

  1. Application for a Sponsorship Licence

As an employer based overseas, the first step is to apply for a sponsorship licence, enabling you to employ a migrant as a UK Expansion Worker. Our team will guide you through the application process, ensuring it meets all requirements. The application consideration period typically takes around eight weeks, but we offer options to expedite the process for an additional fee.

  1. Application for a UK Expansion Worker Visa

Once you receive the sponsorship licence, you can apply for a UK Expansion Worker visa. This visa is initially valid for one year, and you can extend it for another year. Our experienced professionals will assist you in preparing and submitting your visa application to maximize your chances of success. Typically, you can expect a decision within three weeks of submitting your application.

Essential Costs and Salary Requirements for Worker Visa:

To help you plan your budget, here are the main costs associated with the process:

  • Application Home Office fee: Starting from £259 per applicant
  • Immigration Health Surcharge: £624 per year per applicant

To meet the eligibility criteria, the relevant migrant must receive a minimum annual salary of £42,400 or the ‘going rate’ for their job, whichever is higher. Each occupation code has its own yearly specific going rate. The salary comprises a guaranteed basic gross pay (including employee pension and national insurance contributions) and specific allowances guaranteed for the applicant’s employment in the UK. Allowances related to accommodation will be considered up to a value of 30% of the total salary package.

Additional Information:

Once your company is established in the UK, you can appoint an Accountant who can handle various financial aspects. They may include payroll management, tax payments, and submission of necessary business documents to HMRC and Companies House.

It’s important to note that a UK Expansion Worker sponsor licence is valid for four years and is not renewable. However, once you have established a trading presence in the UK, you can explore other routes by adding them to your licence, such as the Skilled Worker route. This allows sponsored workers to switch to different ways if they meet the relevant requirements.

We understand the intricacies of the UK Expansion Worker visa process, and our dedicated team is here to provide professional guidance and support throughout your journey. Contact us today to start on your UK expansion aspirations!